Are you researching direct selling businesses and companies in India? Pat yourself in the back just for making an effort to learn. Know that you are on the right track when you start learning about direct selling and not taking any impulse decisions. When making such an important business decision, you have to be really careful to join the best business in the industry and in turn, to choose the best from the industry, you should do detailed research on direct selling. 

For business, you invest money and hard work, but it is rooted in people’s trust. To run a successful direct selling, you need to join a reputable company. Joining QNET was the result of an in-depth study and the direct knowledge of people who had done the business and built a successful network.  

How important is research on direct selling before you start?

A tablet is used to do research on direct selling

Research is the first and foremost thing you should do before and after joining a direct selling company. How are we supposed to be successful and accomplish anything in business without having a clear knowledge about it? By research, you are gaining invaluable information on the industry, company, their products, competition and the future of direct selling. This understanding can equip you to face any challenges in business and help you plan your business in accordance.

Popularity among people

Is popularity an important factor when choosing the best direct selling company? Of course, it is because the company’s popularity in the country suggests its reach and the number of trusted sellers and buyers of the direct selling. The more popular a company, the more you will hear good and bad stuff about them; however, as there are plenty of sources to look at the company’s previous work, it will be very convenient to pick the best direct selling business for you. 

In my case, I joined QNET India because the business was successfully done by a few people in my family and friends’ group. My trust in their values and knowing their success made it easier for me to pick the best direct selling business from the industry. 

Years of work in a country

The longer a company is working in a country, the better we know about it. There will be plenty of people working with them, and the brand name will be so familiar to us. While this shouldn’t be the single reason you should pick the company, it is a must factor to consider before making the final decision. 

For instance, QNET was established in 1998, meaning it has been a trusted direct selling company since the late 90s. Thousands of sellers developed their business with QNET, and the number is rising each month. 

Business method

What type of business plan is offered by the direct selling company? If you have already narrowed down a few companies, let’s say based on their popularity or years of work, there’s still a lot more to research to do. Know about their retail business criteria, how the business team works, the amount of effort you should give, and the profit you will receive in return. Learning about the business will help you compare different companies and choose the most suitable among them. 

The products they offer

The simplest way to tell how good a direct selling company is is by its products. A good company will supply high-quality and rare products with great value for money. Consider the QNET products; for instance, they are world-class in quality, with unique features and variety. Along with the quality, see the usage of the product and satisfaction among customers. See what type of products the companies offer and if the customers are happy about the products and purchase. 

Success stories of people in the business

Business women having a discussion at the office

When a person suggests direct selling, ask them about their journey with the company, when they joined, struggles they faced and any other questions you may have. Their experience from the company and the way they work can be a good example for you before you join. So, keenly observe the direct sellers you meet and clear all you doubt before joining. Know that QNET direct sellers are happy to answer your doubts, so do not hesitate to ask any questions.  

Opportunity for growth

When I joined QNET, one of the outcomes I expected from the direct selling business was an opportunity for growth. I wanted to be in a team and business where I can develop my business skills and possibly gain the experience of entrepreneurship in the future. If you are a business aspirant and thinking of joining direct selling to get an advanced career in business, make sure the direct selling company offers the right set of circumstances for growth. 

Joining a new business should be done only after a thorough study of the company, its history, products, and importantly, it should give you the space to learn and grow. There are also a few other factors to consider in your research:

  • The total capital needed to start.
  • Possible return from the business.
  • The company’s future. 

QNET has been great in all these things and has significantly supported my success as a young businesswoman. As the direct selling industry is one of the leading businesses in the country, there’s good scope and future to the company. Consider these things before you join and make the right decision.