The free time everyone got during the lockdown and the loss of jobs due to the pandemic has inspired many people to look for self-employment options. This was the perfect time for people with business dreams to learn and develop their ideas. On the bright side, the pandemic gave them much time to pursue their dreams. But on the other hand, the negative impact it had on social life and the economy is severe. Is it easy to take a step and win in such a socio-economic condition? The answer is no unless your chosen business or career is flexible. Plus, it should give a space for creativity and be less risky.

Thousands and thousands of people started direct selling businesses and made a good profit during the pandemic. As more people realized the true nature of direct selling, the business developed.

Now that things are returning to normalcy, it’s good to start a business. So, if you were interested in direct selling but were holding back because of the uncertainty of the pandemic, this is a good time to get into direct selling.

This article deals with the reason why this is the best time to get into direct selling. Same as investing, the time you start the business matters.

4 Reasons Why Now Is a Good Time to Start Direct Selling

A sign of an effective businessperson is that they are smart. Being smart means, they can make the right decisions at the right time. So, if you are thinking of starting a business now, you have the quality of a smart businessperson. Learn more about direct selling and its options, then step into direct selling confidently.

Decreasing Impact of Pandemic

4 Reasons Why Now Is a Good Time to Start Direct Selling

The effect of a pandemic on our life and workplace is decreasing. New waves of covid-19 cases are rising, but people are no longer as afraid of it as in the early days. In other words, it’s been almost three years, and people are used to it. Now we know what should be done to prevent it, and most people are vaccinated. As workplaces are back on work from office mode and schools and universities have reopened, and the curfew has been lifted. This means it’s the perfect time to get into direct selling or any business. The decreasing impact of pandemic will help a business get back on track, and life will go back to normalcy. This is a major social and economic shift, which would be the perfect time to start a business.

Direct Selling Growth

Direct selling is growing faster than ever. Since the pandemic, the business recorded a 10 per cent growth rate. The growth is anticipated to go on and reach its peak point in 2025. There will be 18 million direct sellers in India in a few years. These reports suggest the future growth rate. Plus, direct selling is a business that benefits from growth and has less negative effect of competition. So, if you ask me what’s the best time to start a business in the direct selling industry, it is now. You can benefit greatly from the growth and be a leader by 2025 if you start immediately.

Flexible Working Options

Pandemic had changed everything, and we saw a significant change in the working model. Work from home became prevalent, and many companies chose to stay the same way, even after the curfews lifted. Most corporate companies started a hybrid model of working. This change have huge impact on direct selling business too. Plus, direct selling is a flexible business option. You can run the business online, offline or both. Primarily the business was carried out through direct marketing. Lockdown inspired the business people to start their online journey. Now network marketing is flourishing online, and many people think it’s more convenient. You can also do direct selling as a part-time business or full-time. These choices make the business a very flexible option and less risky.

Role of social media

Social media has a huge impact on people and businesses. If you use those mediums, you might’ve noticed the hundreds of marketing you see daily. Social media and other online platforms have become a hub for marketing. It is effective because more than half of the world’s population uses social media. It is the most accessible option for a small business to promote business. You can do marketing, promotions and collaborations with low or no money. The basic knowledge about the platforms can help you lead the business online. You can do paid promotions, collaborate with influencers, or outsource digital marketing if needed. So, marketing and promoting a small business was never this easier. This feature makes now a good time to get into direct selling.

Take some time and research the industry. Then courageously take a step into the direct selling business. Make sure to join a reputable and leading company like QNET India. If there’s any delay in starting the business, it should be because you are taking the time to learn. Know that now is the time, and this is your time to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.
