Direct Selling

What Can Tyrion Lannister Teach a Direct Seller Agent?


Information and knowledge cannot be contained in classrooms, encyclopedias and textbooks. As many wise people stated, the world by itself is a classroom, and all of us, irrespective of our age and experience, are the students of this classroom. So, don’t think that a direct seller agent, won’t be able to learn anything from shows, movies and books.

Many times, such material can give you far more advanced knowledge than a classroom can ever deliver. That’s why you should know about one of the iconic characters that have captured the attention of audiences across the globe throughout the years, Tyrion Lannister. Well, I am sure that anyone who has watched or even followed Game of thrones will remember Tyrion Lannister played by Peter Dinklage. Well, in order to grasp what I am trying to explain to you, one should know more about Tyrion Lannister.

Who is Tyrion Lannister? Was he a direct seller agent?

Well, let’s address the most obvious question that may be haunting you after encountering this title. Tyrion Lannister can be easily stated as the most brilliant character in the Game of Thrones series. Lord Tyrion Lannister was born as the youngest child of Lord Tyrion Twyin Lannister. One can state that Tyrion had the most unfortunate childhood among the royals in the series.

Born as a dwarf whose mother dies during childbirth, he was the recipient of his father’s intense hatred and society’s heavy ridicule. Even his sister Cersei ostracised him. But Tyrion was a clever individual. He used the power, position and wealth he had to mitigate his prejudice and physical inadequacies that presented before him. Before being thrown headfirst into the middle of the war of Game of Thrones, he enjoyed his life thoroughly with wine, wit and self-indulgence.

What can Tyrion Lannister teach a direct seller agent?

Tyrion Lannister was one of the few characters who survived the Game of Thrones. Actually, he not only managed to survive Game of Thrones, but he also reappears gloriously after the end of Game of Thrones, gaining a better rank and grasping a better life. Most importantly, he wasn’t strictly a direct seller agent.

So, are you wondering why you should know to learn about this character who wasn’t even a direct seller agent? Because direct seller or not, Tyrion Lannister was a clever character who had admirable adaptive, survival and negotiating skills which, if you reckon, are some of the most important qualities a direct seller agent should possess.

Observation is more important than hard work.

One of the first lessons to learn from Tyrion is to work towards a goal or, in other words, work only when one has a goal or something to achieve. The rest of the time, closely and slowly observe the things, people and situations happening around you. At the end of the day, it is not hard work that helped Tyrion through tough situations. It was his observations and decisions he made upon it that saved his head.

This can make you look like an incompetent individual. But one can state that attitude of Tyrion not putting in any effort unless and until it is called for is one of the important reasons behind his survival. Remember, only expend your energy and your abilities once you directly profit from them. Otherwise, don’t hesitate to take a back seat and observe the things around you and the people around you. This can be a crucial step which can ultimately determine your survival.

Building relationships is crucial for survival.

In the series, Tyrion states, “I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you’ll need.” This attitude of his to know, build relationships and maintain connections throughout the characters in Game of Thrones, irrespective of their caste, race, or creed, has saved his life multiple times. Tyrion will is one of the few people in Game of thrones who worked for every side in the war.

He was a part of the fallen team, which was eradicated at the end of the series, The Lannister family. But even after being a one-time forthcoming advisor of the fallen side, Tyrion didn’t face any difficulty switching sides and adapting to them. One can see Tyrion towards the end of the series with Deaneries. But, even after Deaneries is murdered, he survives. At the end of the series, one can see Tyrion in an important position, announcing the upcoming leader of the kingdom.


Tyrion Lannister can be stated as one of the most magnificent characters. Irrespective of being a dwarf, irrespective of being placed at the most disadvantageous positions due to his birth and dwarfism, he created a path towards success. I don’t know from which other characters can direct seller agent to take notes other than Tyrion. So, be like Tyrion. Don’t let your birth, disadvantages and liabilities come in the way of your survival. Strive forward in your direct selling journey just like him. Stand tall despite all the criticism and failures you may face. Ultimately like Tyrion, one only needs oneself to succeed in life


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