Many of us have an entrepreneurial spark inside us. We want to become our own boss and build our business. But the sad truth is that many of us do not take the first step to achieve these dreams. But there is also the fact that almost 90% of startups fail in India. While this can be due to a number of reasons, the main problem with these entrepreneurs is that they do not have a clue of what to do and what to hope for. So here is a list of a few things every entrepreneur should know before their start their journey. This does not just apply to starting a QNET direct selling business but for any other business or entrepreneurial ventures. By keeping these things in mind, you can avoid being one of the statistics and run a successful QNET direct selling business.

Stay Financially Lean

every entrepreneur should know to be financially independent

While becoming an entrepreneur is a great way of becoming financially independent and becoming your own boss, it will also be an uphill battle financially. Or at least till you have settled down and built a successful business. Most startups fail because of their inability to execute a profitable business model. But by keeping your expenses down and building your revenue stream strong and firm, you will be able to weather the first few years that it takes to get established.
Thankfully, running a successful business with QNET does not require too much capital or investment. As a QNET entrepreneur, you do not have to invest in infrastructure as you can do it from the comfort of your home. Similarly, the only expanse comes in the form of the capital to procure the products, which can be made back quickly by the sale of the products.

Networking is the lifeblood of a business.

In any industry, you have to network in order to succeed. This is especially true when it comes to a direct selling network marketing business like QNET. If you want to build a successful QNET direct selling business, it is important to build a network of customers and sellers around you. Today, in this era of social media, networking has become easier but also crucial. Use social media websites Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to build your network and grow your business.

Having a good network of people around you can be the difference between running a successful direct selling company and a failed one. But the good thing is that by joining a top direct selling company in India like QNET, you gain direct access to a network of successful entrepreneurs and leaders from around the world. These QNET leaders will help you start and build a successful business by acting as your mentors. They will teach you the basics of direct selling and network marketing, all while helping you avoid the pitfalls that they themselves faced while growing their business.

Marketing is just as crucial

every entrepreneur should know how to market

You can have the best business and products on sale, and it will not do you any good if you cannot make your customers aware of it. Marketing is a crucial part of direct selling, more so now than ever before. It is figuring out your business’ story and sharing it with prospective clients.
While in conventional businesses, social media marketing is kind, in direct selling companies like QNET, word-of-mouth marketing is most important. Word-of-mouth marketing is when your current customers tell their friends or family members about your company and how they benefited from it. Studies show that more people trust a recommendation from a peer when compared to ads or marketing campaigns.

In QNET direct selling business, it can also include sellers from your sales team telling about the benefits they got from joining your business, attracting others to do the same. Word-of-mouth marketing is an extremely cheap but extremely efficient means of getting new customers.

Never Give Up

The most important thing to keep in mind when starting your direct selling business is to make sure that you do not give up. The direct selling industry can be hard to break into. You will be faced with a number of rejections and heartbreaks before you make it big. But things get better with time. One of the biggest keys to succeeding in any business is to remain persistent and do not give up. A direct professional seller will realise that rejections are just part of being a successful direct seller and that you should learn from them.

If you are an entrepreneur or want to start a business of your own, then direct selling companies like QNET are one of your best options. It requires very less capital investment, has a flexible work style and can be done in your free time. It is also a growing industry in India that is yet to reach the peak of its growth phase. Every entrepreneur should know about the benefits of the direct selling industry before venturing into something else.

The future of direct selling in India is a very bright and prosperous one. And it also allows the budding entrepreneurs of the country to tip their toes into the field. With these things every entrepreneur should know, you can build a successful direct selling business and avoid the major pitfalls that most people go through.

So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India website and start your journey towards success and entrepreneurship today. These are just some of the things that every entrepreneur should know. If you have any other pieces of advice to other aspiring entrepreneurs, feel free to let me know in the comments.

