Direct Selling

The Success Every Sales Representative Should Aspire To Be: AVP Yashu Tyagi

Usually, the people who walk before us are the people who inspire us to achieve success in our journey. By examining their successful journey, the difficulties they had to face, and the perseverance they exhibited, the people who come after them stay motivated. The same can be said in the case of sales representatives. Every sales representative should be familiar with the journey and struggle the successful sales representatives who walked before them had to endure. This will, in turn, prepare the emerging sales representatives to face the boulders that will eventually be thrown onto their path. That is why it is extremely important for all the direct sales representatives to be familiar with the success journey of Yashu Tyagi.

Yashu Tyagi: An inspiration to all sales representatives

To properly grasp the multitude of Yashu Tyagi’s success, one should learn about Yashu in detail. Yashu Tyagi went ahead and embraced the life of a direct sales representative or direct seller by leaving her role as a doctor. Yes, AVP Yashu Tyagi was a practising doctor of pathology before she decided to be a direct sales representative. After becoming a direct sales representative in 2012, one can say that she never looked back once. But that doesn’t mean that she had a very smooth transition or, more importantly, a very smooth life when she decided to give up her highly popular and respected career as a doctor. Let’s look at the various hardships Yashu had to face in her journey to becoming a successful direct sales representative.

Problems faced by Yashu Tyagi in her journey to success

Transitioning from a doctor to a direct sales representative wasn’t as easy as it sounds. She had to go through severe criticism and rejection. As she recounts, one of the most significant adversity Yashu had to face in this journey was the constant rejection she had to face from the side of her family and friends. As she states,

“My journey with QNET so far has been a roller-coaster ride. There have been good days, bad days, happy days, and sometimes sad days, and the reason I could hold on and persevere was that it was what I wanted and I was determined. Today, life has changed for me completely, I achieved my initial goals, and now I only push myself further and higher. I now do what I want, not what I have to do.”

Why don’t we look at the period when Yashu began establishing her direct-selling business?

The birth of a direct sales representative

Let’s hear more about her journey from herself. When asked about the journey in an interview with QNET, the direct selling agency she became a part of, Tyagi narrates her experience thus.

“When I first attempted to become an entrepreneur with QNET, I was doubtful I could pull it off, but everything changed after attending my first V-Convention. It was then that I realised my potential and the potential of this business. The reality was that whatever I was doing could not take me to where I wanted to be and what I needed to do – to provide my family with the life they deserved. I understood that through QNET, I could provide for my family so much more than I was able to at that time. That very V-Convention, I decided to put immense amounts of hard work, commitment and dedication into my organisation, as if this would be the only vehicle to fulfil my dreams. From that day on, my business and I became my priority.”

Now, when we examine, one can state that her dedication towards her career helped her achieve success. Several years later today, Yashu Tyagi is no longer an emerging direct sales representative. Now, finally, let’s listen to what she has to say to all the direct sales representatives starting their success journey.

From Tyagi to all the emerging direct sales representative

Let us hear this in her own words. She stated, “Understand that being a direct seller requires a drastic shift in your mindset and lifestyle. Everything is achievable through QNET if you are willing to put in the hard work and spend enough time with mentors and uplines, whether at training or informational meetings. It is always so much you can learn from them, from their knowledge and experience, which will help you grow your business. Setting priorities and putting goals in place makes this journey more meaningful. Let’s help others rise by pulling them up and working with a purpose.”

Don’t stall any longer. Go ahead and embrace your journey as a direct sales representative by joining our QNET team as soon as possible. Go ahead and enjoy your life and employ your abilities to their fullest.

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