Several studies suggest that extroverts are more likely to succeed in business than introverts. However, this is a widely debated topic, and many other experts believe that no matter what the personality type is, success can be achieved with hard work. As a QNET direct seller, anybody can be an accomplished businessperson, if worked with the right strategy and skills. Whether it is extrovert, introvert or ambivert, your success in direct selling depends upon your hard work. 

An extroverted person is friendly, outgoing and socially confident. The sociability of extroverts is admirable in every field, especially in business. When it comes to direct selling, communicating ideas and gaining trust from the customers can improve the business. Considering this features, direct selling is a business career that is best suited for extroverts. 

Advantages of being an extrovert in business

Two ladies having conversation while working on laptop

  • Good at making business relationships with customers and building trust with the target audience
  • Extroverts tend to work well with the team; in direct selling, teamwork offers great accomplishments
  • Extroverts are natural leaders; they hold good communication and interpersonal skills
  • A socially confident person is more likely to take risks and handle them with confidence
  • Friendly and outgoing with higher chances of building a successful business team
  • Extroverts are less likely to feel burnout from work and can survive work pressure easier compared to introverts
  • Self-confidence can accomplish many new heights in business
  • Attract more people to the business and get reasonable product sales as they are good at expressing ideas freely

Extroverts and communication skill

Communication skills are always an advantage in the direct selling business. Extroverts are good at communicating; they can express their view to people better than anybody else. This quality can ensure your success as a QNET direct seller. The number one business skill required for a direct seller is communicating with customers and making a sale. Conversations with customers will help build trust, and a good relationship with one customer can get you new businesses. Direct selling is primarily done as direct marketing. And the progress of face-to-face marketing depends on word of mouth. So, a quality conversation and relationship with a customer can work to your advantage. 

Direct marketing and socially confident person

Extroverts are socially confident people; for them, it is a joyful and interesting experience to have conversations with people. In direct marketing, this is exactly what is wanted. A direct seller is supposed to communicate with customers and the target audience daily. It is not about having a conversation or making a sale but also about building a business team under you. A confident person with social skills and great communication can do this job better than anybody else. Being an extrovert is a huge advantage, and direct marketing is the right field to accomplish as a leader. 

Leadership in business

A business leader should be sociable and confident. And extroverts will make a good leader because that is exactly their personality. Even though there are so many other areas that an extrovert has to work on to become a good business leader, confidence is a great place to start the journey. Most people who take leadership positions in business are extroverted in character. Their outgoing personality makes it’s easy for other people to approach. A socially confident person can lead a successful QNET business team with simple efforts. On the one hand, with their ability to capture the customer’s interest, they can grow their direct selling. On the other hand, they will manage the group and lead the business with their confidence. 

Tips to become successful in business as an extrovert

  • Focus on learning and knowledge; know about the direct selling industry, target audience and products, rather than just taking steps out of confidence and skills.
  • Make a clear strategy and work on it, and try not to make impulsive decisions and avoid too much risk.
  • At some point, it is good to learn how to work alone. Try to be more independent and depend less on your team. 
  • However, take advice from your team on matters related to business analysis and research.
  • Be careful when picking your target audience; only add people to your team after careful consideration.
  • Listen a little more to others, especially your target audience, customers and team members. 
  • Be polite and gracious when dealing with people who reject or are rude to your presentations. 

Anybody can succeed in their QNET direct selling business; however, extroverts have an added advantage. Good communication, teamwork, and social confidence are the basic qualities needed for direct selling. Working on some other areas such as strategies, goal setting, and learning can make them an expert in business skills. Know your unique qualities and make use of them in your business. You can develop a direct selling business so much more with skills such as communication and marketing. 

So, if you are an extrovert, try to take advantage of these qualities and build a business team with QNET. Also, develop other skills and qualities along with supporting your team. Remember that direct selling is a business career that extroverts can win with the same features of their character. 
