Network Marketing

Take Charge and Redefine the Future of Direct Selling in India

Do you want to be your own boss? Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? If yes, you are at the right place. Today, in this series of “Be Your Own Boss with QNET”, we discuss what it means to take charge and redefine the future of direct selling in India.

According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, India saw a spike of 7 million direct sellers during 2018-2019. These numbers are estimated to increase to 18.1 million by 2025.

Therefore, compared to other business sectors that are adversely impacted due to the COVID19 pandemic, the future of direct selling in India looks promising.

Furthermore, because of the growth of the gig economy, the demand for independent career opportunities has increased. For instance, QNET, a direct selling company, empowers people to take charge of their passion.

Also, with a wide range of QNET India products, you can leverage the possibility of starting a direct selling business in India. As a woman, I always believed in work independence. Although working in a corporate environment assured job security and a monthly paycheck, I felt stuck!

The freedom to explore new opportunities is compromised if you are working for somebody full-time. Although entrepreneurship involves its fair share of risks, the end results are promising.

Moreover, regardless of your age, gender, background, or income level, success is guaranteed in the direct selling industry. To quote a statistic, a recent Business Standard report proves that around 53% of entrepreneurs in the direct selling industry are women.

This shows that as an independent woman, you can take charge and redefine the future of direct selling in India.

Register today and be your own boss!

All About QNET – Everything About Direct Selling

What is QNET? Should I Join QNET?

Although working as an IT professional in a leading corporate company contributed to career growth, I felt crippled in terms of personal growth and development. One fine day, a friend introduced me to a QNET business opportunity. I was amazed at the opportunity to start a direct selling business using QNET India products.

Now, getting back on track, what is QNET?

Started in 1998, QNET is one of the first companies to introduce the idea of e-commerce in direct selling. With an accessible platform like the QNET India eStore, you have the opportunity to access a wide range of QNET India products and start a business.

Talking about if QNET is safe? Let us dive into the details.

QNET is a valued member of international associations. For example, QNET is a member of the Direct Selling Association of Malaysia, Direct Selling Association of Singapore and Direct Selling Association of UAE.

In India, QNET is a trusted member of CII (Karnataka), PHD Chamber of Commerce and Health and Dietary Supplements Association.

Therefore, if you are looking to buy QNET India products for personal use or for a new business opportunity, you are at the right place.

Start today and register with QNET India.

QNET India Registration – Everything You Need to Know

Starting a new business is no walk in the park. Investing in the capital, looking for infrastructure, investing in technology and people is time-consuming and challenging. Therefore, the easiest and solution is to join a direct selling business.

However, before registering with a company to sell their products, keep these questions in mind.

  1. Is the business legal in India?
  2. What is the nature of business operations?
  3. What is the track record of the business and its products?
  4. Do they recognise diversity in a workforce?
  5. What are the compensation benefits?
  6. How transparent is the company regarding business guidelines, refund policies and registration?

The QNET India registration process is accessible and allows individuals to decide for themselves. Moreover, the leverage of registering and working from the comfort of your home is a great platform for women to take charge and strike a perfect work-life balance.

How Does a QNET India Registration Process Work?

Let me now explain how a QNET India Registration process works.

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your referrer ID.
  3. Pay a nominal registration fee, enter your personal details and click on the button “ENROL”.
  4. Access the QNET India eStore and gain complete control of products, marketing tools, e-commerce tools and your own QNET virtual office.
  5. Buy your favourite QNET India products, earn step commissions and start a business.

The power lies in accessibility and convenience. Before onboarding via the QNET India registration process, people are equipped with the information and tools required to make the perfect transition.

Register today to make the difference!

Speaking from personal experience, here are my tips to take charge and redefine the future of direct selling.

Getting Comfortable Taking Risks

As discussed before, although entrepreneurship involves taking risks, the end results are rewarding. For example, at QNET India, you do not need any prior experience to become a direct selling superstar.

It is normal to experience failure in the initial stage as you are new to the direct selling industry. However, with mentorship programs, you are not alone. According to NASIB BR, an associate QNET V-Partner, “At QNET, there is always someone looking over your shoulder”.

Therefore, with support and career guidance at every step, you can overcome challenges, get comfortable taking risks and be the first to move up the ranks.

Social Networking in Direct Selling

Quoting another example- Dev Wadhwani, a QNET V-Partner, “Success in the direct selling and network marketing depends on working with people”. Therefore, with personal interactions as key ingredients for direct selling success, the importance of social networking is paramount.

All of us are well aware that the novel Coronavirus has adversely impacted the global economy. With a tragic loss of jobs on a global scale, job security is uncertain. However, at QNET, you have the leverage to be your own boss and take independent decisions.

For example, the QNET V-Convention Connect 2021 was a successful event. It united business leaders, investors, customers and QNET distributors on an international stage. Now, you may ask, what is the purpose of such events?

The answer- market exposure and potential contacts. Participating in the QNET V Convention Connect gives the opportunity to interact with like-minded people, make valuable connections and expand your business.

Impact of Diversity at QNET India

Diversity plays a vital role in any business.

Having a mix of motivated men and women in any business contributes to maximum productivity. Also, did you know? The direct selling industry is one of the few business sectors that does not discriminate.

Therefore, regardless of your age, gender or nature of occupation, at QNET India, you have the power to be your own boss. Buying your favourite QNET products can help you achieve financial independence and work-life balance as a woman.

Future of Direct Selling in India

Top direct selling brands like QNET are committed to empowering people to take charge of their careers. Before joining QNET, I was quite sceptical about a direct selling business.

However, once I enrolled as a QNET India representative, I was given complete access to business guidelines, compensation benefits, e-commerce platforms and marketing tools.

With the commitment to empower and satisfy customers worldwide, joining QNET can pave the way for inspiring possibilities.

According to a recent Economic Times report, the direct selling industry in India will generate a revenue of Rs. 15,930 Crore by 2025. Also, 60% of the direct selling industry constitutes women.

QNET CEO Malou T. Caluza believes that “the success of direct selling today is the result of hard work of women”.

Therefore, considering the future of direct selling in India and the potential of starting a business with QNET India, you can take charge and redefine your future.

Start today!


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