Unforeseen situations like the current COVID19 pandemic are not invited. The world in general should be equipped with resources to tackle crisis circumstances. Expecting an economic downturn and not preparing for it at the initial stage can have an adverse impact on global businesses. Moreover, with layoffs and pay cuts on the rise, global entities need to evaluate their alternatives and resources at an earlier stage. On the contrary, the QNET collaboration believes in providing options for people to invest in their passion and be their own master.

Often, if businesses are generating revenue, organizations tend to disregard the impact of a pandemic or a financial recession. This, in due course of time can create a sense of anxiety and fear. Job security is the need of the hour. With agile business environments and the impact of AI (Artificial Intelligence), people need leverage to hold on to flexible career options.

Millennials are constantly on the move. The benefit of staying mobile all the time is that you offer yourself opportunities to flourish and thrive in a competitive market. With the gig economy on the rise, direct selling organizations like QNET India are recognizing creative talent. The option to ‘be your own boss’ is the test of time. With flexible career options in direct selling, people can resonate with brands and protect their loved ones during uncertain times. Therefore, by investing in the QNET collaboration, you are welcoming opportunities for a stress-free lifestyle.

Let us now look at some tips to deal with pay cuts during a pandemic.

  1. Evaluate and Strategize– It is imperative that we strategize and evaluate our alternatives. This helps us choose options in case something unforeseen occurs. During a pandemic, it is of utmost importance that we protect the ones around us. At the same time, it is essential that we do not minimize on our savings. Looking out for freelancing options is a great way to maximize on your savings and keep track of your expenses. The direct selling industry continues to offer opportunities pertaining to variable compensation structures and independent entrepreneurship. Gone are the days when people were relying on fixed monthly salaries. With the impact of coronavirus, people are making the most of virtual means to network, engage and create innovate possibilities.
  2. Keep Upgrading Yourself– A global financial recession or a pandemic should not stop you from doing what you are passionate about. Though there are limitations on the financial front, by effective managing your expenses, you can make optimum utilization of resources available. On the other hand, make sure you keep updating yourself. With online platforms offering creative courses to up your game, possibilities are endless. Certifications play a pivotal role in enhancing your professional experience. Being at home is not as monotonous when you are using your time wisely. The QNET collaboration also believes in investing in training resources. Therefore, as a distributor with QNET, direct sellers are provided with microlearning essentials at every step.
  3. Furnish Interpersonal Skills– Irrespective of any working environment, we need to furnish on interpersonal skills. Be it negotiating, scheduling business meetings, or acknowledging customer feedback in direct selling, people need to invest their time in the right direction. Registering to monthly seminars/webinars will certainly up your skill and help you gain expertise in different fields. This eventually contributes to independent, diverse, and flexible decision making.
  4. Be Confident and Take Charge– With a passion to succeed and the self-confidence to thrive in the most challenging situations, nothing can deter your will to excel. A pandemic can mentally drain you. This can result in anxiety and lethargy. The secret to any professional success is to be flexible in your approach. In direct selling, budding entrepreneurs can associate with brands that give back for a greater cause. With the freedom to be your own boss, you are taking charge of what is important. By being rigid with your business choices, you are letting go of something more valuable and profitable. Stay confident, trust in the process of hard work and you will shine through the gloomiest of days.
  5. Document Your Expenses– It is extremely important to track your expenses. Not just be aware of how you spend, but even documenting your everyday expenses. This helps you allocate surplus funds that can maximize savings in the future. Documenting expenses can help you analyze and be flexible with your priorities. Minimizing on acquiring assets during stressful circumstances like a pandemic can facilitate a minimalistic lifestyle.
QNET India Collaborates and Provides Entrepreneurial Opportunities

QNET Contributes to Distributed Workforce Empowerment

With the pandemic in full force, brands like QNET India are facilitating empowering opportunities to be your own boss. A global presence has helped QNET direct selling transition into online business operations. By launching products that cater to sustainable and healthy living, people are able to resonate at a deeper level.

  1. Dynamic Compensation Plans– The direct selling industry offers alternatives pertaining to independent career options. Budding entrepreneurs can now associate with the QNET collaboration and take charge of their own life. With a flexible compensation structure, direct sellers can be self-motivated to perform as your expertise earns you lucrative rewards.
  2. Women Entrepreneurial Empowerment– Just because you are asked to stay at home in order to contain the COVID19 virus, it does not mean you cannot ger productive. Women entrepreneurial excellence is on the rise. After having a first-hand experience, women can stay on top of their game by registration as distributors. Also, from the comfort of your own home, women can feel inspired, motivated and determined to do what they love.
  3. Get Involved and Celebrate– QNET has now spread its wings into CSR initiatives that empower children and women. Therefore, by remotely participating in such events, people feel inspired to contribute towards a better world.
  4. An Ethical Business Code– It is imperative that you focus on an ethical business structure. During a pandemic or a financial recession, organizations need to conduct transparent and authentic business practices online. Be it product features, acknowledging consumer feedback or prioritizing sales strategies, being ethical in your very nature contributes to organizational credibility.

Therefore, by focusing on the right essentials backed up with the tools to succeed, you can effortlessly sail through any stressful situation.
