
Nutriplus FibreFit – Embracing the Essence of Prebiotics with QNET India

A healthy lifestyle is beneficial irrespective of any situation. With the COVID19 pandemic creating anxiety into all of us, we as global citizens need to make confident and conscious purchase decisions. Living a fast-paced life has definitely compromised sustainable diets. Especially children, who are quite picky with what they like to eat. Direct selling organizations are now promoting products that cater to the greater good. For example, QNET’s Nutriplus products are dietary supplements rich in natural ingredients. Also, with a diverse product range, customers have healthy options to choose from. Nutriplus FibreFit is a prebiotic supplement and consists of natural soluble fibres. Ger your pack from the QNET e-store today!

Prebiotics – All You Need to Know

There is a common misconception about bacteria in the human body. The essential bacteria present around the gastrointestinal tract are responsible to counteract and neutralise harmful pathogens impacting the human digestive system. It is estimated that around ¾ of the human body’s immune functions are performed by the bacteria residing in the intestinal tract. On the other hand, investing in a fibre-rich diet can make all the difference. In today’s world, the impact of processed and refrigerated foods has negatively impacted the way people eat. There is a definite lack of nutrients and effects overall health in a negative way.

Prebiotics are essentially the primary food source that promote the growth of important bacteria present around the digestive system. Also known as non-digestible fermentable fibre, prebiotics helps in enhancing the immune system and investing in a healthy gut. QNET India, over the years has promoted an essence of health and wellbeing via dietary supplements.

Nutriplus FibreFit is a perfect culmination of prebiotics and soluble fibres, eventually reducing the risk of constipation and diarrhoea. Considering the effect of busy work schedules, purchasing health supplements offers the necessary nutrients for a healthy & sustainable living experience. On the other hand, it is vital to keep ourselves updated about the benefits and the source of ingredients. Via the QNET e-store, customers can access information about ingredients involved and recommended usage, eventually paving the way for responsible and healthy decisions.

A Fibre-Rich Diet for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Let us now examine the benefits of Nutriplus FibreFit.

  1. Source of Ingredients– More than the product offering, the power lies in the ingredients involved, especially about healthy purchase decisions. Nutriplus FibreFit is produced and extracted from Gum Arabic, which is considered as the mother of all prebiotics. This core ingredient offers Ayurvedic benefits and is extracted from the Acacia Arabica tree.
  2. Stay Healthy While Mobile­– With busy lifestyles, people are mobile and on the move all the time. Therefore, living a healthy lifestyle becomes challenging. Nutriplus FibreFit comes in sachets that offer the energy equivalent to having 10 bananas and 30 apples. Therefore, considering the accessibility and convenience of Nutriplus FibreFit and Gum Arabic, investing in QNET’s Nutriplus products is ideal, healthy and most importantly, sustainable. Get your pack today!

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