Network Marketing

Network marketing Quotes to keep you Inspired

Quotes are a great way to keep you inspired and motivated. This is especially true as a QNET direct selling network marketer, as you will be faced with a lot of rejections, and it is easy to feel demotivated. So, I have made a list of 5 network marketing quotes that will help you stay inspired and become successful in life. These network marketing quotes were said by some of the best and most influential figures in the industry and has helped millions of people around the world to achieve their true potential. It can help you too.

Network Marketing Quote 1

“In network marketing, the whole point is not to sell a product but to build a network, an army of people who are all representing that same product or service to share with others.” – Robert Kiyosaki, The Business of the 21st Century.

Said by the legendary author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and The Business of the 21st Century, this quote helps new QNET direct sellers to understand the true meaning behind joining a QNET direct selling business. Robert Kiyosaki’s books are a treasure trove of network marketing quotes, and all aspiring entrepreneurs should give it a read if they want to achieve success.

Network Marketing Quote 2

“By its very nature and design, network marketing is a strikingly fair, democratic, socially responsible system of generating wealth.” – Robert Kiyosaki, The Business of the 21st Century.

Another quote by the legendary and influential author, this network marketing quote from him, talks about the industry and why it is a great means of becoming financially independent and generating wealth. In his book, The Business of the 21st Century, he talks about the benefits of network marketing and why it is a fair, democratic and socially responsible technique in helping people become successful.

Network Marketing Quote 3

“Network marketing isn’t expensive. Unlike most other business opportunities, the start-up costs are low, almost less than $500 and often under $100.” – Zig Ziglar & John Hayes, Network Marketing for Dummies.

The ‘For Dummies’ range of books is a great source of information for anyone a beginner in any field. The same is also true for network marketing and direct selling. In their quote from the book Network Marketing for Dummies, Zig Ziglar & John Hayes talks about why network marketing is a great opportunity for people who wants to start their entrepreneurial journey but does not have a lot of capital to invest. Joining a top direct selling company in India like QNET is extremely cost-effective as you do not have to spend a lot of money on infrastructure and marketing. The only capital investment needed is for the procurement of products. This too can be easily made by the sale of the products.

Network Marketing Quote 4

“Network marketing tends to develop the type of leader who influences others by being a great teacher, teaching others to fulfil their life’s dreams by teaching others to go for their dreams.” – Robert Kiyosaki, The Business of the 21st Century.

Like we talked about earlier, Robert Kiyosaki’s books are a never-ending source of information if you want to succeed in direct selling. In this quote, he talks about the importance of leaders in direct selling business and how they are crucial in helping build others careers. Network marketing is different from many other industries as it concentrates on mentors and helping them become successful. If you want to succeed as a QNET entrepreneur, it is important that you have a good mentor who can show you the way to success.

Network Marketing Quote 5

“Many people have the idea that they are ‘too good’ to buy and sell small products to the people around them. These people are always amazed when they find that doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects and other professionals are busy building successful multi-level marketing businesses in order to create second income streams for themselves and their families.” – Brian Tracy, Getting Rich Your Own Way.

In this quote by Brian Tracy from Getting Rich Your Own Way, he talks about a major mental barrier that much new direct selling entrepreneur goes through. Many people who are interested in direct selling business are held back by their fear and the idea that they are too good to sell products. He goes on to state that even high-paying and influential people like doctors, lawyers and engineers have turned to direct selling in order to build a second source of income.

Importance of staying motivated

In any sales related industry, you will face more rejections than acceptance. Sales is a number game where you keep trying to get a sale by meeting and interacting with many prospective clients. But a beginner in the industry can quickly lose motivation and focus after being   By reading these network marketing quotes, you can stay inspired and carry on. It will help you remain motivated and look at the final goal on why you want to succeed and why you started the journey.

Direct Selling with QNET

There are many direct selling companies out there. But if someone were to ask me about which company to choose their journey, I would always suggest QNET India. It has helped me and thousands of others to start a successful direct selling business and achieve financial independence. QNET India has a simple and straightforward business plan that is easy to understand and implement. Add to it a great compensation plan and some of the best products in the market, and you can see why it is the favourite of millions of people in India and around the world.

So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India website to start your journey towards entrepreneurship and financial success with QNET. And if these network marketing quotes helped to through tough times, share with others so that they can get the same benefit.


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