Direct Selling

5 Main Challenges Faced by Female Entrepreneurs in India

Female entrepreneurs in India have to go through several hardships to get to a position of success. Not that aspiring and successful men didn’t have hardship, but the struggles are basically different. Whether it is in business or any other career, women face double the problems than their male counterparts. It’s a shame that the unequal and patronizing mentality still exists. Society and deep-rooted bigotry are still a barrier for women to succeed.

Even though the social situation is changing, the measures we plan and execute is inadequate. Business is a male-dominated industry. If it’s different anywhere, then it’s the direct selling industry. It’s the only industry under business that has a female majority. The reasons that make direct selling accessible are mainly the barriers in the traditional business.

Learning about the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in India can make a difference. Most of all, it will help a person understand how liberating and empowering direct selling is. Despite the fake accusations and as questionable it may seem, in reality, direct selling is an excellent way to get a kick-start in business. The business is a welcoming and safe start for aspiring businesswomen. If money is a problem that stops you from pursuing your dreams, then direct selling is the best step you can make. It’s a humble beginning that is most likely to take you to the dream of starting entrepreneurship.

5 major challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in India

The hurdles and hassles a woman has to go through to start an entrepreneurship are endless. One after one, the struggles create a huge barrier between her dreams and success. With all the challenges female entrepreneurs in India have faced, many of them still manage to win. Know that, on top of the general issues in business, women have to go through the problems gender discrimination creates. The potential, talent and determination are the things that are helping women overcome the barriers.

Low or no financial support

Financial support is the most crucial factor that a person needs to start and lead a winning business. For the same reason, financial support is the biggest challenge in getting started. For women, it is particularly true. Starting entrepreneurship is only possible with a massive sum of money. Either you need that much amount of capital or investors’ support. The sad reality is that investors are less likely to put their money into a female-led business. So, money and lack of financial support is one big hurdle in the way of women and many other aspiring individuals.

Gender inequality

All these challenges are the result of prevalent gender inequality in the country. Society has assigned certain gender roles to women. Breaking those myths and winning above it is a necessity. The lack of support and discouragement women face simply because of their gender is a hurdle. It is even worse for women residing in the rural part of the country.

Lack of support

Sadly, most women in India get less support from their family and friends to step into business. Yes, the business or self-employment options are risky. But that doesn’t mean that women can’t survive those risks. Of course, they can, but the lack of support from family can be truly discouraging. Emotional and mental support should be given from the family. Only then there will be a social change and true empowerment. Many women have to give up on their dreams because there is no one to guide and support them.

Fear or lack of confidence

Even though fear is a normal human trait, it can cause serious troubles in your future. Fear and lack of confidence are two things that can cause trouble on your way to success. Waiting for social situations to change is no longer an option. The fear of failure should be defeated by confidence. It’s up to the women to take a step and keep going even in the phase of adversities.

No mentors for guidance

A report shows that about 70 per cent or above women in business or corporate environment doesn’t have a mentor. On the other hand, support and guidance from a mentor can be a leading factor for success. Without it, the business field has become extremely burdensome for female entrepreneurs in India. In spite of the case of direct selling, all other careers have a significant lack of mentoring available for women.


The literacy rate in India shows the huge disparity that exists between women and men. The literacy rate of the male population in India is 82.14 per cent, while the female literacy rate is 65.46 per cent. When it comes to higher education, the gap intensifies. The lack of opportunity to gain education is still a curse for women empowerment in India. It gets worse even more, when you consider women residing in rural areas or those who come below the poverty line.

Business is risky and challenging. No doubt that a woman can overcome those. But the real issue is, on top of the struggles every business person faces, there are challenges only female-led businesses have to go through. As the challenges mount, winning in business becomes the least likely possibility. On the other hand, if the women have financial and emotional support, good education and confidence, they are much closer to success.


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