Batman is one of the most inspirational superheroes. The most recent instalment features a new take on the established versions. While there can be multiple debates about the best version, one cannot argue that Batman is perhaps the most charismatic hero of all time. He poses all characteristics of a leader. Someone who steps forward and leads by example and saves the day regardless of his limited abilities. This is also keeping in mind that he doesn’t possess natural superpowers. He makes use of the resources in his vicinity. Despite him being able to lead a comfortable life, he commands an intrinsic desire that drives him to help people.

In this article, we’ll be breaking down some of the most important leadership lessons from Batman and how we can incorporate them into our business.

What does it mean to be a leader?

Leadership often has a set definition. It usually refers to an individual leading a particular team or a cause, being the point person or the frontman in every situation. However, it means a lot more to be a leader. Being a leader is not just to lead others but to inspire them towards action. In direct selling, there will be multiple situations where one does not just inspire others to act but also inspires them to become leaders themselves.

Direct selling involves networking and team building. A direct seller should be able to build a team, sometimes even if it causes a situation where people from different preferences have to work together. Batman brings the Justice League together and forms an indestructible team comprising superheroes with different abilities and superpowers. A direct seller would also need to form a team of individuals who might hail from different backgrounds and abilities. A leader needs to make them work as a team.

Another aspect that is rather ignored when talking about leaders is their ability to enforce change. And the change doesn’t mean to enforce authority; rather, it is to be the harbinger of change. One that inspires others through actions while instilling a belief that they too can achieve greatness.

With a brief idea of how to gauge leadership skills, here are some leadership lessons from the Dark Knight –

Leadership lessons from Batman

Batman often doesn’t fall under the category of conventional leaders. His leadership style isn’t autocratic or democratic. Rather it leans towards a revolutionary and inspirational style of leadership. He is somebody who believes in the fact that actions speak louder than words. This is depicted again and again throughout the entire series. In The Dark Knight Rises, he carries a bomb out of Gotham city to ensure the safety of others or takes the blame on himself and becomes a resented entity in the eyes of others in the Dark Knight! Batman stands for courage and responsibility. Here are a few more noteworthy aspects of leadership to learn from Batman!

1) Fight for a cause

Batman is one of those superheroes who is very conscious about his motives, consequences and actions. One thing pertinent about Batman is that he stands for a cause. Throughout the series, he is working towards the safety and well-being of Gotham. He understands that his city is infiltrated by crooks, goons and evil forces. All of them raring to bring the city down. This is seen when Ra’s Al Ghul and then his daughter Talia Al Ghul attempt to destroy the city. Batman uses all his might to stop both of them from harming Gotham.

The same spirit is depicted in the newest instalment of Batman, where he inspires a flooded Gotham. He helps in rescuing individuals and reinstates himself as the saviour of the city.

Often direct sellers get into direct selling with the sole mission of making money. However, one must realise that direct selling is far more potent with its power to write discourses and change the world around them with actions. It all starts with them believing in the cause and a desire to make a difference!

2) Overcoming Fears

Leaders are often viewed as an indispensable part of the team or as someone who lacks weaknesses. However, what makes a true leader is owning weaknesses and continuing to fight despite them. In this process, one would also realise that overcoming fears is necessary and, in most cases, it is even possible.

Batman was initially seen as somebody who is scared of caves and underground spaces due to a childhood incident. This was particularly highlighted in Batman Begins. However, Batman overcomes his fears and builds himself a secret station in the basement of the Wayne Manor.

Another instance is seen in the Dark Knight Rises when Batman goes to an underground prison. He is trapped deep inside a pit where escape is almost impossible. Every time a man tries to escape, he reaches a point where he needs to take a huge leap to reach the other side of safety. Batman is fiercely scared of the possibility of falling down. However, after mustering enough courage and falling down a few times, he finally overcomes his fear and escapes the prison.

Direct sellers are scared of failures and often end up giving up. However, the secret to success is to try and persevere until they taste success.

3) Having morals and principles

Whether it is a direct seller or superhero, having morals and values is crucial to anyone’s plightMorals and principles define the person. It is who a person is and what does he/she believe. In the case of Batman, it describes what’s right and wrong and helps him fight evil forces with a clear conscious and directive.

In Batman Begins, the secret ninja society orders Batman to kill a man for a certain wrong deed. However, as per Batman’s principles, he deems killing the person wrong and goes against the secret society in order to ensure that he stays true to his values.

Another instance is seen in the latest instalment, where Riddler is offering Batman to cause carnage in Gotham city together. However, Batman condemns Riddler’s act and fights against him in an attempt to save Gotham.

Just like Batman, direct sellers face situations where they need to decide what is right and wrong. Often it is divided by a thin line, but direct sellers need to stay true to their values and be ethical while conducting business.

4) Looking at the larger picture

Batman is often credited for forming the Justice League. This includes fighting Superman in Batman v/s Superman and finding other members of the Justice League, and assembling a team to fight forces that would be beyond an individual’s ken. Batman had the vision to form a team and get them fighting on the same side to protect the earth.

In Dark Knight, he sacrifices his identity and becomes the Dark Knight with the sole purpose of protecting his city. This only comes with the foresight to look at the larger picture and ensure everyone’s safety.

Direct sellers must be able to see the larger picture, and this may include sacrificing a few things in life, letting go of a few people and perhaps overcoming their desire to fulfil gratification. Direct sellers need to be prepared to make decisions for the greater good.

Seeking inspiration from the Batman

Batman is an inspiration to an entire generation. His journey is full of sacrifices and challenges. He has constantly been surrounding himself with evil forces and still overcomes them and keeps fighting on.

Direct sellers can learn from the Dark Knight by not giving up when they face rejections or failures. Instead, they need to look at it as a segue way to redefine themselves and persevere on their path. Every door isn’t going to open. Every path isn’t smooth, and every proposal isn’t going to get accepted. However, this mustn’t deter an individual in their spirit or stride. Like Batman, they need to keep moving forward like a leader who rises despite his dark nights.

For more inspirational content, checkout this article on QBuzz India – Motivational Lessons from Spiderman for QNET Entrepreneurs to Overcome Challenges in Business! 
