Hard work is necessary for business success. In QNET direct selling, success is guaranteed if a person is willing to put time and effort into the business and effectively get the work done. Unlike other businesses, direct selling risks are low, and a business can survive uncertainty easily. But, dealing with the risks or getting the targets can be much easier if a person works smart.

I tried and tested many plans and ways of working in my QNET direct selling business and found out that some methods or plans can work more effectively than others. Effective work means less hard work but more growth. A successful business person will always adopt smart ways of working. Simply working hard and harder doesn’t make a business successful.

For success, a business requires much more than hard work. It needs determination, passion, innovation and strategies. Several factors aid business growth; being good at anyone is not enough. The business owner has to be good at every area, like skills, passion, knowledge, plans and management.

4 steps to work smart in the QNET business

4 steps to work smart in QNET business

Once again, hard work is important, but it’s not the only important factor that leads to growth. To reach new heights, along with hard work, a person has to learn how to work smart. There are many improvements one can bring in business with smart work. Furthermore for working smart, you need smart plan, management and creativity.

Effective time management

Time management can efficiently save much time. For effective time management, the first thing one needs to realize is that time is the most valuable asset. Using it appropriately is the primary step anybody could take toward success. Procrastinating or not completing tasks on time can result in hard work and a last-minute rush. Instead, if the targets are achieved on time, the plan is effectively carried out, there will be time for leisure. Effective time management is a classic example of smart work. Multi-tasking can be an effective way to save time and effort, but only try that in business if you are absolutely sure of getting the work done without any mistakes. Some mistakes come at a huge cost; it is especially true in business.

A smart and specific plan

Plans are necessary for every business. Not just any plans, but specific plans. One general strategy and a long-term plan is the base of how a business works. However, there should be several short-term plans along with long-term plans. These are specific plans to ensure profit, one for productivity, time management, teamwork and more. It could be any aspect of your business that needs specific attention. If any particular area in business slows you down, you could come up with goals to work on it. It is both smart and effective to set specific plans in the business. It will help the business owner measure their direct selling progress. Plans can drastically increase efficiency while taking lesser time. The division of plans can increase efficiency and productivity, plus save time.


Innovation is a great business advantage. Coming up with new ideas and implementing them will help the business stay relevant and popular. Most importantly, innovation can help overcome the offset that slow growth is. A business can run successfully, but at some point, it could get slow down; it would be harder to overcome this phase unless there are some efficient changes. Innovation can be an effective tool that helps overcome this phase in business. The innovation in direct selling is the idea that can bring a strong shift in business. It could be implementing new ideas for business, giving more product information, using online platforms and more. Any new and effective strategies are innovative and promote one’s business.

Use both direct and online marketing

When I started my QNET business, I focused entirely on direct networking and marketing. Direct marketing is very beneficial. The trust and loyal relationship with customers in direct marketing are unlike any other business. However, the market is changing, and the recent global situations like the pandemic and the lockdown have immensely impacted the way of business. A massive amount of people is now focusing on online marketing. It is a smart way to boost business performance. With less time, a person could meet more people. The business ideas can be shared with more people with little effort.

Introducing social media marketing is an innovative and smart way to improve a business. Thousands and thousands of businesses are being promoted or completely carried out online. Whether it’s a large scale or small business, either traditional or direct selling, social media and other online platforms are a smart way to succeed in work. Not taking advantage of this excellent opportunity would be a minus from the profit. Furthermore, the best way to promote business is to use direct and online marketing methods together for great results.
