Hello people,

Exam season is here. It is a dish served cold with a glass of stress and a pinch of fear for the students to gulp down. I have been there too – school, college, the pressure. Been through it all. I know the amount of stress and tension it causes in students.

As an adult now, I would like to give a shoutout to all the students out there and tell them it is alright. It’s all going to be fine. You are not alone in this and your scores most definitely will not define the miracles you will do. Have some faith in yourself. Work hard but don’t worry.

Since I have a lot of experience in giving exams with anxiety, stress and fear, I would like to give you some tips regarding the same.

Remember to breathe

I know it sounds silly and like a useless tip, but it works. Breathe through it. Take slow and deep breaths. It allows the blood to reach your brain faster and helps you to calm down your body’s stress response and shift your attention back to the present moment. It helps you relax and organize your thoughts and think rationally.

Taking regular breaks

While studying, remember to take regular short breaks. It can be a snack break or a short power nap     but, it is very essential to take these breaks for your brain to relax.

Eat, sleep and exercise well

Make sure that you eat well this exam season. It is very easy to fall sick during this time. Stress makes you vulnerable to a lot of diseases. Sleep and light exercises are also very essential to keep your body relaxed. Some exercises may help you concentrate better. Keeping your body active will make you remember things better. Protein is very necessary during this time. I give my daughter Kids protein because it really is very good. My husband and I also consume Kids protein, because, well its tasty.

Believe in yourself

Always have faith in yourself. Remind yourself that you can do it and you are enough. You should know that only you can motivate you. Believe that you can do it, and you will. For example, instead of thinking ‘If I don’t get at least a 2:1, I am a failure’, think ‘Whatever I get, I will be proud of myself and value how much I have already achieved’. You can do this!

Talk to someone

Getting stressed is common. Having anxiety is okay. During exams, feeling overwhelmed is okay. Best way to deal with it is to talk to someone. When you share and vent to someone, it feels better. Talking about it will relax you and it will be out of your system. Once that is done you will feel more relaxed and will feel free. When struggling, talk to friends, family, or your personal tutor about how you are feeling.

Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals, however far you are from your exam, is always the best way forward. Setting realistic goals will help you put everything in perspective. Make a timetable and try to follow it. Just a plan would do. Slowly start following it and make a routine. Following a plan will give you a sense of achievement and will motivate you to push yourself.

No matter what happens, it will be all fine in the end. You will have the life you want. Things always have a tendency to work out in the end. Even when it seems that nothing is working out. Have some faith and face it all with courage. Exams are important, but knowledge and learning are what matter at the end. Don’t stress yourself much and do what makes you happy. Your mental health is more important than any exam ever. All the best to you all for your exams and if you ever want to talk just send a mail at [email protected] . You will always have a friend in me. And GOODLUCK!

Read my last article – How pure is your water?