To be genuine is a virtue of character; it’s a quality needed to become a successful person. When it comes to direct selling business, your relationship with the customers and their trust are important in your success. Working up to the trust and being always honest and truthful in character is something QNET expects from every independent representative. The productivity and growth in your direct selling are influenced by how genuine you are in business.

From values like keeping a promise to never breaking customers’ trust, there are certain things to be careful in business. First, be genuine to yourself, then it would help you be genuine in everything you do. It would help if you built your business on the solid ground backed with truth and trust. To become a successful direct seller, you should be able to gain the faith of people in the product and the business prospect you present.

Only sell the products you use

How to be genuine in direct selling business?

In direct marketing, to become a genuine independent representative, the first thing you should do is always sell the products that you use at home. Whether it is home appliances, luxury watches, or health and wellness supplements, use them before making other people buy. Only then you can tell the actual worth and use of the product. Being genuine in product sales means that you value the hard-earned money of the customer. Seeing you use the products and adoring it in your lifestyle adds genuineness to your sale and can attract new customers.

Always mention the ups and downs in business

Direct selling is not just a retail business; it gives you a broad business opportunity to build a network. However, as in any other business, direct selling also has a lot of risks and challenges on its way. To overcome the uncertainty and challenges, you need to work hard in the business. Presenting the business as an easy way to make money or as a simple scheme can give them the wrong impression about how much work is needed. So, always let the customers and target audience know that there should be hard work to get successful as a QNET direct seller. Letting them know about the ups and downs and being honest about the hard work can help you build a strong business team with true passion.

Listen to your customers

Presenting a business and telling everything you prepared to a customer is not the right way to do marketing. A genuine direct seller will listen to their customers and clarify any doubts they hold politely and graciously. Genuinely listen to your customers, their opinion, doubts and fears. After careful consideration of their opinion and suggestions, then present the complete details about the business. This quality can help your business grow, and people appreciate business persons who put an effort to listen and learn. So, genuinely listen to your customers and be grateful for their time.

Work on your mistakes

A person with a true passion for the business will always invest in themselves and improve their business. This genuine quality in a person manifests when a person is trying to learn from their mistakes. Working on your shortcomings and overcoming them will accomplish greater heights as a direct seller. The truth is, as a new or old direct seller, you are going to go through many phases, in which you are facing many new struggles. Avoiding these mistakes is good, but learning from them and working to prevent the mistake in the future show’s passion.

Help your team members

As a direct seller working with a team of like-minded people, your team members might be going through different struggles. So, giving a helping hand and supporting them in trouble is a noble thing to do. If you want to be genuine in your direct selling, then support your team. When you need help, there will be many there for you. The productivity in direct selling depends hugely on teamwork. Helping your team members support their business and ensure the growth of your business.

Uphold work ethic

A genuine business person will always uphold certain values and associate their work with ethics. Every business person is supposed to hold on to a certain work ethic, some in general, and others specifically based on the company’s core values. While working as a QNET direct seller, you should be honest, keep promises, be a good listener and respect the time and opinions of the customer. Upholding a work ethic is a characteristic of a genuine person in business. Maintaining such values will also help you raise productivity in your business.

Standing up for the right, upholding a work ethic and supporting a team member in trouble are all signs of a genuine direct seller. These qualities can greatly aid your personal development and success in QNET direct selling. An accomplished business results from a trustful business relationship with the customer. Running a genuine business can prevent you from making certain mistakes, and sticking up for the right values and actions will provide a good result. From productivity to profit, being genuine in direct selling can help you accomplish greater things in your business.
