As a network marketer, reviewing the book Your First Year in Network Marketing is so special. No wonder this review turns out to be more of a praise of the book and the authors. The book is genuinely helpful and was my guide for the first few years.

Rene Yarnell and Mark Yarnell did an excellent job making the book interesting. It is easy to read, and even the complex ideas have been broken down into simple concepts. Anybody can read the book and understand the concepts.

I started reading Your first year in Network Marketing even before joining the business. It helped me understand the basics of the business model. I get to build the whole business plan in the light of knowledge gained from this one book.

As a person who reads extensively, I can vouch for the readability, content and power of words in the book. Bad writing will make a person close the book and will never open it again. But this one, you will go back to it again and again. As the words are powerful, they can inspire you to be a successful businessperson.

The book hasn’t failed to mention the problems women face while doing network marketing. For instance, not being taken seriously by prospects is a common struggle; it can discourage a person on many levels. But once you reach a certain stage in business, the situation will change, and that’s a guarantee. That’s exactly why network marketing is an empowering business.

3 Lessons from the Book Your First Year in Network Marketing

Network marketing is a fast-growing business model. In India, many people are learning about it and stepping into the business. Even if you get training from the network, it is important to do your own learning. One best way to do that is by reading. For a beginner, the most recommended book is Your First Year in Network Marketing by Rene Yarnell and Mark Yarnell.

The book is a well-written piece of art. It can inspire and enlighten a person. Your First Year in Network Marketing is specifically written for people new to the business. Reading it will help you make good decisions with the business.

1)Learn how to handle Rejections

Book Review: Your First Year in Network Marketing by Rene Yarnell and Mark Yarnell

Rejections are one of the biggest hurdles in your way to business success. People who are uninterested in direct selling, or any business for that matter, tend to reject it without even caring to learn about it. In the early days, these rejections can be truly discouraging. The rejections and the lack of support from friends and family can kill your enthusiasm. But your success depends on the way you handle rejections. If you expect a high probability of rejection, you can avoid the shock. This also helps you come up with ideas to overcome rejections. Handle it well by expecting the possibility. Know that people will deny business no matter want. It varies in interests and risks. Not everybody is a risk-taker. Most people try to dodge risky situations.

So, there is no point in forcing the business concepts on people. But embrace the fact and survive it with plans and patience. So, don’t let the fear of failure keep you at home, but face the failures. Take the business idea to new people, and keep in touch with people you have already presented the idea.

2)Recruit, Train and Avoid Dependency

Once you have a few people to work with you in the team, make sure to train them. Turns out that Mark and Rene Yarnell observe that leaning on the upline for everything can be a root cause of failure. Instead, the downlines should get their training and go on and work on their own. Recruiting is not the only responsibility but also training them. After the training, let them learn on their own. Do not promote dependency or get offended at them for not asking for help. As a young businesswoman new to the network marketing, I got training and support from my team. They were always ready to help me, which I am grateful for. But, reading the books made me choose independence. I made decisions and learned on my own because I didn’t want to fail.

3)Change your Expectations to Change the Business

Many people might suggest the MLM business as an easy way to make money. But this is far from the truth. In reality, it takes hard work and persistence to succeed in business. Working part-time is a perk of the business, but it won’t give you the result of full-time work. So, business success completely depends on your work. Expect a result in line with the effort your put in. Set realistic goals and follow the path of successful networkers and learn from others. So, be present and enthusiastic when you do marketing and suggest the business. It is a business, and ups and downs are a normal trait.

A Must-Have Support for Your First Year in Network Marketing

Many people tend to quit network marketing from the very early phase. Quitting business comes at huge costs, not because of the money involved, but of the effort and dreams. The first year in network marketing is the toughest phase. To get through this one, you will need the best plans; above plans, patience is a must. The rest of the journey will be manageable for a person who successfully survives the first year. The whole books deal with how you can start earning from the very first year. It will encourage you, even when you are facing failures. It would have been too tough for me to overcome the initial phase if it wasn’t for the book and the awareness of rejections.

The book will give you hundreds of tips and advice about network marketing. It’s an absolute gem in your network journey. So, get the book Your First Year in Network Marketing by Rene and Mark Yarnell. I highly recommend this book to everybody who wishes to do a business or start. Over time, many people came to me saying they wished they had read the book when they started network marketing. Better late than never, reading the book at any stage of your business can help you improve.
