Every individual will have an interesting and innovative story. Even when most of us say that we lived an uneventful life, it is more or less false. Do you know why? Each small thing that happens in our life is unique. Most times, those small details in our life that we consider unimportant would be a unique experience. So, just because you went through the life of some direct selling agents, don’t assume that you are well aware of the whole journey. Never make the mistake of generalizing the success journey of these direct selling agents. Today, let’s go through the successful journey of Prajna Mallur, a smart, direct-selling agent.

Who is Prajna Mallur?

Just like all other direct selling agents, Prajna Mallur also has nothing special about her. Before venturing into the field of entrepreneurship and direct selling, she was a normal middle-class citizen like most of us. Prajna Mallur was born in a middle-class and extremely conservative family in India. Just like every other student of the time, Prajna followed the traditional engineering path. After achieving that, she began working as a consultant for a multinational IT company. Back then, she was living a pretty uneventful life, just like us.

Prajna’s introduction to direct selling

Sapphire Star Prajna Mallur Shares Her Story Of Finding Success In QNET

Prajna was introduced to the field of direct selling while working at the company through her fellow IT professionals. Her coworkers not only introduced her to direct selling but also boosted her self-confidence and prompted her to join the industry. Back then, she had no idea that this single act would change her life. Prajna remembers the day she got her first cheque from direct selling. She recalls that, even though she received her first cheque within the first week of becoming a direct selling agent, it took her six to seven months of consistent hard work to properly establish herself in the field and make herself successful. Well, thus begins the journey of a successful direct-selling agent.

The challenges Prajna had to face as a direct selling agent

Prajna Mallur’s direct selling agent journey was a challenging one. She had to work tirelessly to enter into QNET’s Achiever’s Club as a Sapphire star. Apart from the industry’s challenges, Prajna remembers that the most difficult task in her career as a direct selling agent was to convince her conservative parents about her career change. Like any other traditional family, Prajna’s family too was concerned about the future of the direct selling industry. By the time she eventually survived, the next biggest problem was already awaiting her.

Her intense fear of losing her confidence and credibility when her business slows down was a huge problem for her. This, when coupled with the fact that the people around her doubted the legitimacy of direct selling, immensely challenged her. She overcame these barriers by earning money. Thereby she was proving to her friends and family that she could make it big as a direct selling agent.

Multiple problems and roadblocks appeared before her, while attempting to build a strong team. She has personally vouched to many of her teammates about direct selling. The next and most important fear she encountered while being a direct selling agent was maintaining a successful steady performance. At times like this, when being alone is difficult, she reached out for help and support from her inner circle of mentors, uplines and friends who continued to support her. She states that

A young woman entrepreneur invested in Digital network marketing

“My uplines Raghunandan, V Council Member Shamseer Kareem and AVP Nasib BR supported me through all my challenges, keeping me positive all the time and pushing me to work harder and keep improving. My guardian angel VP V Padma changed my life by giving me access to her mentorship during a time when I was facing challenges. I also leaned on my childhood best friend Divya and my husband Manoj, who were my partners through thick and thin. They believed in me and my capabilities, which gave me the courage to go after my dreams and keep moving forward no matter the challenges. Through QNET, I was able to gain the confidence to live life to the fullest and to make my dreams come true no matter how big those dreams felt. I learnt that with QNET, the sky is the limit.”

To Conclude

Yes, the story of Prajna proclaims that if you give your wholehearted efforts to achieve something in life, you will achieve it. The only components needed to succeed are effort, hard work and determination. The rest, like a sound financial background, good connections etc., can be an added benefit, but only some are necessary to succeed. You, as a single unit, can taste success just like Prajna Mallur if you put your honest efforts into it. So what are you waiting for? Go to QNET India and register as a direct selling agent and kick start your journey towards success.

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