4 Ways to become a Confident Business Woman with QNET India

Starting a direct selling business or a new venture is often a daunting task. The individual needs to figure out logistics, strategies and people who would help them build their direct selling venture. Another aspect of direct selling that poses a challenge is its unawareness in the country. People misinterpret direct selling as a frivolous endeavour. The unawareness and the preconceived notion of its frivolity often tend to form a huge conundrum among women. It makes them wonder if the industry is the right fit for them.

If a woman garners enough courage to start as a direct seller, another aspect that seems like a prerequisite for the venture to become successful is confidence. It is essential for a woman to build and communicate her business plan with confidence. Many individuals, including women, might not be confident or would have an issue presenting the direct selling opportunity due to underlying inhibitions and confidence issues.

I remember starting in the industry and often feeling that I lacked confidence. Initially, it would be a very nerve-wracking task to just think about presenting the QNET opportunity, let alone making presentations. But I had to overcome the fear to grow my business. Over time, I was able to make presentations and build confidence one step at a time. I was able to get to a point where I was comfortable with my presentations.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the best ways to become a confident business woman with QNET direct selling!

What makes a direct seller confident?

Confidence isn’t something that magically surfaces in an individual. While it might be seen in short spurts and instances, the chances are that it was developed over time. One of the best and the most trusted ways to build confidence is through gaining experience.

Often there is one particular thing that tends to make us nervous or perhaps even scared, and that is a failure. Now, most people tend to run away and seek alibis. However, a woman must be able to face her fear and stand true to her cause. Once the individual is able to overcome the fear or withstand the experience, it will give her more confidence to go against it the next time. With time she will be able to overcome her fear and perhaps even use it as a catalyst for growth.

The next thing that makes an individual more confident is passion. A direct seller needs to be passionate about direct selling and networking. She needs to believe in the opportunity and trust that she will make great progress and take great strides. At the heart of it are a desire and a dream that would propel her towards great success.

With passions comes another element that would further improve one’s confidence. Having a positive outlook towards the business, prospects and life, in general, could help the individual become more confident. Being positive also means to spread positive energy and provide the conviction necessary for a direct seller to become successful.

Now that we know the basic traits and elements for a woman to become confident, let’s understand how QNET direct selling helps a woman become confident in her business.

4 ways to become a confident business woman

Business requires an individual to cultivate and nurture skills and strategies. However, one of the most important things that an individual can work on is confidence. A confident person is perceived as someone who is more trustworthy and most likely to become successful. So, let’s look at some ways an individual can gain confidence in business.

1) Practicing the pitch

QNET direct selling is a great opportunity for individuals to develop speaking and marketing skills. Essentially, it is also a great platform to work on people skills. The reason is because to grow a business, an individual must make presentations. In order to give a great presentation, there must be a great pitch.

However, it isn’t just the content that makes it a great pitch but also its delivery. These two things go hand-in-hand. A woman would need to practice it numerous times before being able to deliver it with conviction. As they say, “practice makes a person perfect”, the key is to keep practising and tweaking the presentation until the pitch becomes successful.

If the pitch does become successful, then the idea is not to stop but continue practising and perfecting it to become perfect and an aura of confidence.

2) Being okay with making mistakes

Mistakes are part and parcel of any endeavour. If a woman is starting as a direct seller, she is bound to make multiple mistakes. Now, most of the time, the woman gets dejected and tries to bring the journey to a halt. However, the key is not to be demotivated and plough on in the journey.

An important mindset is viewing mistakes as feedback rather than a fatal flaw. The woman must look at it as a chance to improve on the method or the pitch or their skills and make a plan. The plan can help to provide an overview and steps for achieving results. But we must remember that it is okay to make mistakes, everyone does. So, the best thing is to accept responsibility and then move forward in the journey.

3) Sharing experiences

Most often, what breeds doubt and inhibitions is not talking about it. It tends to manifest in mind and create roadblocks. Our worst enemies are our fear and inhibitions that render us actionless. It is therefore pivotal to express it to our well-wishers and mentors. Perhaps, they can provide that ray of insight that could clear the block. Mentors are also a great source of inspiration as they provide a model for an individual to replicate and perhaps follow in their footsteps to become successful.

Sharing experiences also play a vital role in community building and provides a sense of belonging. Furthermore, a woman can also look towards it for helping in building their team and growing their business. We must remember that this is just another way to express ourselves and share our thoughts and ideas. Overall, it can certainly help build confidence!

4) Learning from other women direct sellers

We briefly touched upon this in the previous point. Women direct sellers have been a great source of inspiration, not just to women but for everyone in the industry. They have worked hard on their craft and risen above their challenges to become successful. Their journeys are a great directive for individuals to persevere in their strides.

Often direct selling is not perceived as a proper profession. But the truth is that the journey is quite unconventional. It isn’t defined by the 9 to 5 timings. There are no regular paychecks, and it isn’t guaranteed during the initial phases. And there is no guarantee for success.

That’s right! Nobody can guarantee success. It is solely dependent on the woman and how she’s able to mould herself into a successful direct seller. But what inspires most other direct sellers is that there have been many women who have walked the same path and emerged victoriously. They are carrying a beacon of light and providing a path for others to follow. A new direct seller can take inspiration from these women and channel their energy towards making themselves a success story!

Become a confident business woman with QNET

QNET is one of those thought-inspiring opportunities that can change how one perceives a woman in society. It has been a platform for millions of individuals who’ve become successful and continues to be that opportunity that completely changes one’s life. The onus is, of course, on the women to take charge of their lives and make most of the opportunity.

My journey as a QNET direct seller is one that has changed my perception of myself as well as what I can achieve. It has given me the necessary skills and tools that I have used to grow my business. Now, the journey was not easy, and there have been many challenges in my path. However, I have taken them in my stride and overcome them with a sense of joy and fortitude.

It is important to remember that women can achieve great things in life if they put their minds to it. The sky is the limit when it comes to what we can achieve if we just believe in ourselves and take that leap of faith towards our goals.

Having said that, one must not be blindly optimistic. Rather it means that we must look towards being positive while also being strategic. Now, this would involve being disciplined, courageous and most importantly, having the desire to make it to the top. It is almost inevitable for a woman to become successful when they dedicate their time and effort while being smart in running and scaling their business.

As one of our inspiring VPs, V Padma, says – “Even if a hundred men succeed, no one notices – but if ten women are successful, everybody knows about it. This changes the perception of what we can accomplish “. 

I hope that all the women who take up direct selling as a career or are on the fence about becoming a QNET direct seller can take inspiration. Furthermore, I hope this article provides clarity and a belief that they too can become successful and fulfil their dreams as a direct seller!

If you’d like to read more about the successful woman in QNET direct selling, visit QBuzz India!


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